Self-Catering Shetland provide a personal service, hosting visitors across two locations in Lerwick.
Self-Catering Shetland strive to accommodate every guest's needs during their stay. They can cater for holiday makers, or those on business trips.
Over the past 16 years Self-catering Shetland has paid close attention to what their guests have had to say. They have thereby tweaked and adapted their services accordingly, following the motto:
'If we can arrange it, we will. If we are unable to arrange it, we will endeavour to find someone who can.'
Self-Catering Shetland already had a website which had proven very successful as far as search engine optimisation goes. It ranked very highly in Google for the target search terms and helped the company's clients to easily find what they need throughout the year. The website's visual design, however, looked dated and lacked mobile compatibility. Page content also needed to be presented in a more digestible manner for the end user.
Therefore, in 2017, it was time for the website to receive a much needed upgrade, to stay on track with latest digital trends.
NB was contracted to carry out a complete website redevelopment. The resulting site features a strong focus on usability and design. We capitalised on appealing eye-catching typography, user-friendliness and enhanced User Experience (UX), as well as taking the essential step to make the site mobile-friendly.
All of this was done while keeping the client's existing, well-performing content in place, therefore meaning that it's search engine results would take little to no hit during the transition phase.